Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Resolutions

New Years resolutions are a funny thing. Most people drop said goals within the first three weeks of making them. I have come to accept this, and so I never start on the first because I want to have a chance of setting out to achieve a goal and following it through to completion.

Looking back on 2010 I can honestly say I am still here seeking what can be real and something deeper than the surface relationships most of us experience. 2010 held only missions of casualties of war that left me feeling slightly bruised, broken and even at times defeated. But I have come to realize I want and deserve something more than that; and the only way I am going to find happiness is by first having, (and really I do mean having), self love. 
I am on the road to discovering this: and I know it won't be easy. In fact, I am certain challenges will present themselves. (Exes are like herpes and pop up in the most inconvenient times), but I will not succumb to my past faults or flaws. 
Every experience life has brought to this soldier has made me smarter and stronger... Do not look back on those that were.  A fellow soldier sent me these wise words in an e-mail and I felt I should share them with you all: "Do not worry about the people from your past, there is a reason they didn't make it to your future" Rediscover what makes you unique and happy. Only then can we realize and project to others what it is we have to offer. Learn from your mistakes: there are no regrets in life, just lessons. 

To all my fellow soldiers, here's to a better year for all of us. Set your mind to something and see it through... Only you stand in the way of completing your mission. So continue to stay strong, love is still a messy battlefield.

Jane Doe

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