Saturday, April 9, 2011

There's a First Time For Everything

I, Jane Doe, did something I never thought I would actually do. I went speed dating. I decided to bring a couple of my fellow Doe girls just so we can share our experiences together for this post (so that it wasn't just one opinion, but four very different experiences). I didn't want to end up disappointed: with the venue, the company, or the dating service. So I decided to go into this thing with no expectations.
So, my friends Jodie Doe*, Jessica Doe*, and Joanna Doe* and I decided to dress up and try this thing out since we were all Speed Dating virgins. When we first arrived we scoped out the room to see the guys around us. It kind of felt like a dance from junior high-- guys stood on one side of bar, while the girls sat on the other. Eventually, a few "brave souls" came over to make conversation with some of the girls. My girls and I decided to grab a few drinks at the bar so we could lose any anxious feelings and relax a bit. I decided to write the experience off as research so even if I didn't meet anyone, I at least was trying something new.
Jodie Doe was very nervous about the whole thing. She is usually my sidekick in all things "new," so she agreed to join me on my speed dating mission. At first she had a lot of fears that the guys were going to be genuinely creepy the way speed daters are depicted in films and t.v. shows. But I reminded her that we were going just for the experience of it.
Cupid may not give you love at first
sight, but your first impression helps
you narrow the selection.
Jessica Doe just came out of a relationship and so I think she wasn't really connected to the evening emotionally, and I think part of that was because she is still taking time out for herself so she isn't really looking for anyone right now.

Joanna Doe was very excited for the evening and could hardly wait to get started with the interviewing process. (She had been trying to convince me to go for months and finally got me to go with her.)
They had us sit at little tables and gave each of us a number, they told us to ask guys for their names and numbers for our little score sheets. It was pretty self explanatory with a "yes, no, and maybe" column. I found it really refreshing, and not awkward like I thought I might. Most of the guys jumped right into asking questions... "a race against time" mentality if you will. With only 3 1/2 minutes to spare they wanted to really get to know you... not simply try to get in your pants.

Some of the guys and I had really nice conversations. They made me laugh, and were so interesting that no two were exactly alike. Yes there were a couple odd-balls that were awkward: One guy asked Jodie if she "liked dinosaurs," while a different guy told the girl Alex sitting beside me, "I am looking for my wife, can you see us getting married?" (RUN, ALEX, RUN!)
"Has it been four minutes yet?"
However, most of them really just wanted to meet a nice girl in a city that thrives on short-lived romances. It was such a relief to find there are good genuine guys in LA not just looking for a hook up but something more.
The weirdest question I was asked had to be the worst advice my parents ever gave me about love, dating, or relationships. And I honestly couldn't think of anything because both of my parents are so easy to talk to and really big on having you learn life lessons from your own experiences (instead of don't do this, or that, etc.) I really liked that there was a time limit on the thing because I am really good with first impressions and most of the time we are right in the way we perceive people. I knew right off the bat which guys I would want to get to know more and which ones I didn't. One admitted he had a gambling problem (ummm... so not going to happen.) And their wasn't any awkward lingering since the guys got shuffled along. I even figured out how to make it not awkward if you "lacked" interest you just kept them talking about themselves and it is a "non-threatening" way of rejecting them because you don't really open up to them, so they aren't given the chance to get to know you. (yes, I used this method for both the dinosaur guy and the one looking for his future wife.)

The ladies who hosted the event were right about writing the names and numbers down as soon as your "date" sits down. After a while you aren't really able to say who is who because you go through about twenty-five guys with under four minutes with each of them, so names and faces begin to blend together.

I ended up with four guys I ultimately felt I might like to get to know more. Jodie ended up with four guys that she liked, Jessica didn't really connect to any one guy because she wasn't in the mindset to put herself "out there." But she does want to try it again later when she feels ready to meet someone new. Joanna really hit it off with four of the six guys she put on her list and informed me she definitely plans on getting in contact with them to see if this will go anywhere. She wants to try speed dating again with a different service to see what other guys are out there and not put all her eggs in one basket. Jodie, Jessica and I are still waiting to hear back from the speed dating services to see what matches we got. Either way, we all agreed it was an eye opening experience and that we all want to do it again!

Never say never, soldiers. Trying new things sometimes lead to interesting experiences and people! Enjoy life and make the most of every moment.

Jane Doe

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