Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting Off The Roller Coaster

Ups and downs are never easy, soldiers. But everyone has a situation they can't seem to shake or figure out right away. Maybe it is that you need your closure before you feel you can really let go and move on. I, myself, am guilty of wanting a solid ending... and I blame this on my being a writer.
Like most soldiers, I am strong and resilient. I find that even if the ending isn't necessarily the fairytale one, I make the most of every experience and so I take something away from it. As I have said before, there are no regrets in life just lessons.
Happily Ever After? Not always, but
you can walk away happy.
By getting off the roller coaster for good there is a large burden lifted off your shoulders because you  figure out what you want and what you deserve. Yet there is also a moment of total clarity where you realize this person can't give you either. Most of the time, said partner is still figuring out what their wants and needs are and because of this they cannot accommodate yours.
Feeling constantly dizzy is exhausting. When you finally take the step off onto solid ground and inhale your first breath of closure and freedom, you begin to realize you are blessed because you are ready to proceed to the next chapter.
Do not fear the unknown, your next mission is an adventure. Set yourself up to find happiness. Total and complete happiness, because no one should settle for feeling fulfillment or happiness only part of the time. Find a person who keeps  you smiling, who builds you up and catches you when you feel you are about to fall. You deserve this and accepting anything less is settling.

Know your worth and find your happiness.


Jane Doe

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