Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting Out of the "Bad Lands"

As we get older we all go through experiences both good and bad that mold us into the people we are meant to become. I, Jane Doe, recently experienced something that truly terrified me and made me not only resentful at my own feelings of powerlessness, but also made me want nothing more than to shut myself away from the world and everyone in it.
After a few weeks of completely alienating myself I slowly began to realize the only one I was punishing for being in a bad situation was me. A situation, which was almost entirely out of my control. Situations can either tear us down on make us stronger depending on how we let ourselves react to the experience. If we see it as a learning experience we can protect ourselves from similar future situations and can save ourselves a lot of pain from learning from the bad, instead of letting ourselves be consumed by it.
Everyone has experienced something painful. The important part is to not give up hope in humanity (not everyone is the same) and most importantly not to give up on yourself. When we let a bad experience get the best of us it begins to take control and creates a road block from any chance at finding and discovering happiness whether it be in big or little things.

Happiness can be found when you turn to the people who support you and love you for you. I highly recommend reaching out when you feel this emptiness because it is these relations we fall back on in order to familiarize ourselves with feeling safe again. Do not lock yourself away.
Hiding away from the world leaves
you feeling only emptiness.
Some days may be harder than others but it is important for you to cease every day and realize that you can control your own fate but only if you don't let situations determine what you do and make of your life.

Jane Doe

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