Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jumping The Gun

Women are always accused of reading too much into things. Whether it be a kiss, the way something is said, or even the hug that lasted a second too long. But lately I have been hearing the exact opposite from my readers. That men have been jumping the gun by scaring themselves and running for the hills. I decided to investigate.
In a world that is becoming just as much a woman's world for goals and success its no wonder some men are starting to feel threatened and jump the gun as "women" have been accused of doing in the past. No-- just because a girl expresses interest in you does not mean she is thinking you are "the one." And No-- just because she thinks you should try dating doesn't mean she is trying to tie you down and marry you either.
The truth is, in today's world women have a lot more power than we did fifty years ago. And because of this advancement through careers, goals, etc. Some men might feel threatened; so there might be a bit of a gender role swap, since it seems now like some men are starting to read into things more.
If a guy becomes scared, ladies, do not consider that you were too intimidating by knowing what you want and going after it. After all: nothing ventured, nothing gained. Instead, see the situation for what it is: the guy is a weenie, and you are better off without him. You deserve a man that isn't going to bite off his nose to spite his face, or count his chickens before they hatch. (alright, I'm done with the old expressions, but they do ring true!) Everyone deserves someone that will see them as an equal, which is why the term "partners" was created in the first place.

If you are a guy who likes women who are driven and aren't threatened by them, I commend you on evolving with the times. Welcome to the new 21st century of dating.


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