Friday, August 27, 2010


I am a girl on a mission.

My identity is irrelevant to what it is I have set out to say, and what it is I hope to accomplish. I grew up in the superficial world of Hollywoodland. And now, I have set out to find love--real love. In this town, a town that wants nothing more than to escape the crow’s feet and the lard that gradually begins to creep around the midsection with age and is completely drowning in the synthetic. A world where some men are just as vain as women, sometimes even worse!

I only hope that it is not too late. That you, have not given up hope yet and that I can steer you on the right path. As females, to stay away from the grubby toads and pigs that seems to outnumber the decent men (yes this small clan actually exists). As for my male readers, I hope you take heed from some of these articles and stories I will provide you with so you will not be seen as a pig, nor a grubby toad... and perhaps you too will find one of the decent women that have not been diseased by the fake in this LA LA land we have come to call home.

Read on and you will be educated as well as entertained. And we can continue courageous and hopeful on this mission together.

-Jane Doe

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