Monday, August 30, 2010

Money Matters

Hello fellow daters,

I found myself recently inspired to discuss the subject of money. Especially with these hard times we have been experiencing with the economy. How is money relevant to the world of dating today? Do men always pay? Or do women go Dutch? The truth is money matters greatly because you can determine how the date will go based on how money, both yours and your date’s, is spent.
 For example: As a female, if you are not liking your date and find that it is not going the way you had hoped, simply pull out your money without giving him the chance to pay for you. If he insists on paying you should still refuse in order to not build up an unfair expectation for a second date. This says simply, “I am covering myself on the bill. Maybe we can be friends.” It shuts out the idea of a second date happening and does not raise his hopes.
If you are a guy who does not like the direction the date has turned, the best way to assure there won’t be another is to ask your date to split the bill with you. You appear cheap and that brings the date to a quick  close. If you are a guy and are truly interested in the girl and you asked her out, then you should be a gentleman and follow through with picking up the tab. Chivalry does not have to be dead. No one says she must be taken to someplace extravagant, just someplace where you are taking her out for a good time. If you are financially tapped, get creative and put more effort into it. Surprise her with a homemade lunch during her lunch hour. Rather than looking solely at what it is you are doing, most good women actually look at the effort that it made and find the sentiment more moving than the actual meal.
A word of caution to the Ladies: Just because a gentleman will pay, does not mean all men are gentleman. So women should be prepared to pay even if in the end they do not. In conclusion, do not agree to go somewhere you know your paychecks cannot afford. If you do not know your date well, be prepared to try "the reach." 

The Reach: Is when a person reaches for the bill in order to contribute to the total. This is always appreciated and a good way to test out whether a guy is just a guy or a gentleman. Just be prepared ladies, some guys will take you up on "the reach" and you will be picking up your own tab. So be ready!
Always best to be prepared!
In conclusion, Gentlemen, when a guy pays it says a lot about himself as a person. It tells us he is a go-getter who is also confident. Ladies, be a Miss Independent and make sure you can take care of yourself and not rely on a date to pick up your tab, but when you do find one you like and want to  get to know better, let yourself be treated like the lady you are and let him treat you.

Jane Doe of LA, over and out.

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