Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Naked Truth

I decided for my first real blog it should be one direct and to the point. As a special operative on this mission, I feel it is important not to beat around the bush. While on this topic of “beating,” I would like to inform guys that it is also classless and unattractive when a guy decides to send pictures of his member in the hopes of wooing a woman. I have now had two experiences like this, with two different men. One, we will call him Nick*, sent me a picture of his member before we even made it out on the date, as if the size were suppose to impress me and somehow get me hot and bothered... instead, I was repulsed. 
Men need to understand women are not visual the same way men are. Where most guys actually get turned on while looking at a naked woman or her body parts, women are more into sensuality and thus it is our imagination and a man’s touch that gets us hot and bothered… not, I repeat, NOT a photo of your member, regardless of it’s size, unless you want to just be used for your member and never be considered as anything more than a lay. But boys that’s up to you!

I also have women often ask me about when it is considered appropriate to send a man they are dating naked pictures of themselves. I for one, find this to be only all right if, and only if, the guy and you are serious. Otherwise, you are only sending the message that you want to be a piece of ass and nothing more (This applies whether you are a guy or a girl). And yet the problem with sending pictures of yourself naked is they have the potential of falling into the wrong hands. The question you have to be willing to ask yourself is would you be comfortable with finding your pictures up on a website or being looked at by others? Ladies: if not, skip the “detailed” version and send him a picture of your head and shoulders with a little bit of cleavage. 
By doing this, you are not sending technical pornography and you can simply attach the picture with the words: “You get to see the rest when you come home.” It saves you from any real damage and also leaves a little something to the imagination, which piques a man’s interest. After all, a man that never knows what his girlfriend is going to do next has to keep on his toes and that keeps the relationship fresh and exciting.

In conclusion, picture texting and emailing parts of your body have a slew more cons than pros. So unless you truly know your recipient will appreciate said pictures and can completely be trusted with them, don’t do it.

Jane Doe of LA, over and out.

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