Friday, February 4, 2011

Fantasy Fulfillment

When trying to keep relationships new and exciting it is essential to try and mix things up so that they do not become so much of a routine. Fantasies help increase the odds of keeping things feeling fresh. It is also an excellent way to show your partner just how much you care because you want to fulfill something for them and are in a way giving them a memory as a gift.
Is something wrong with the pipes?
As long as said fantasy doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. (No, I will not give you a golden shower!) And doesn't actually hurt anyone, it can help  not only refresh but also deepen the bond you share by pleasing each other and exposing each others hidden desires.
Think about it, if your guy is a Star Wars nerd and wants more than anything for you to dress as Princess Leia and you do it; his memory will always associate you with the sight of sexy princess Leia. It is true, our five senses are heightened during sex. I like to call it sexual memory. We can remember a lover's perfume, or the way their hair felt, or vividly remember how they looked at us. Sexual memory is a very powerful thing.

These things stick during sex because sense memory is affecting all your senses at once and your sense are heightened. By fulfilling a fantasy, it not only shows your partner trusts you, but also that you are special because they felt comfortable enough to share it with you. If your partner is willing to participate in your fantasy it also shows a level of devotion. I am often asked by readers when they should introduce role-playing and fantasy fulfillment into their relationship and the only answer I can give you is this: when both you and your partner feel comfortable in bringing it up.
And remember, it is okay to feel a little embarrassed and shy when trying something new. If you feel ridiculous dressed up as Princess Leia, chuckle about it. Maybe to get even, ask you boyfriend to owe you and later have him dress up as Batman. Life is short, soldiers. So live in the moment and be willing to try new things and take chances and most importantly, have fun with it!

-Jane Doe over and out.

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