Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fearing A Real Connection

I recently received a few emails asking my opinions on sex and what can heighten it from, blah to good to wow! I started to really do some research by interviewing a bunch of Does (both male and female) on the subject of sex and what makes it sparkle.
The truth is, all sex has the opportunity to reach the top if it is given the chance to blossom. Sex is all about the connection to the person you are intimate with. Thus why intimacy itself is so important. The more open and honest you are with the person you are intimate with, the more raw and intense the sex will be. Connecting and being completely honest with one person can be terrifying. I know for a fact, many people have a problem with this, especially with all our awesome modern technological conveniences. We end up relying on these devices to help us  reach out to people, but in doing so, we are cutting ourselves off from retaining the real human connection.
By no longer having this human connection, we are basically barricading our emotions in our own war trench. Never allowing ourselves to be exposed to the good things: love, passion, and intensity, in order to keep out the bad: disappointment, hurt, and rejection. By locking ourselves away we are the only ones who suffer in the end. As a strong soldier, I can honestly say there have been times where I felt I needed to build up some shield just to protect myself, but in doing this, I was only holding myself back from living through my experiences.
Keep your heart open.
One thing I have learned is it is important to learn from every relationship you experience. Rather than being hurt or angry that it didn't work with people in the past, I honestly would look at it this way, feel sorry for the people who hold themselves back from making a real connection to another. In the end, it's them that snoozes and loses because they are their own prisoner who keeps their emotions locked up. Life is all about risk. I feel sorry for those who are afraid of taking risks. Risks are what lead to adventure and opportunity.
Most people have this plan of getting married, having kids, and being successful. But they have no real concept of how they are to get there. The only way you can reach this is if you keep your heart open, be willing to let people see you for who you are. And give the chance to love and to be loved in return. If you shut that out, you will always find yourself unhappy and alone. The unknown can be terrifying but it can also be exhilarating if you see it as another opportunity to live and learn. So get out there and find that one connection that makes you feel whole. After all, we are all just puzzle pieces looking for that perfect fit. So go out and find yours!

Jane Doe

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