Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dating the Greedy.

Greed has a way of creeping up into certain situations, even in relationships. It's always surprising when you find in it one without even comprehending how it snuck in there.
The thing is, commitment phobics have a way of wanting their cake and eating it to. This may mean that while the relationship is still new they feel they have the right to act jealous while still having the potential to flirt and go out with others. Or it could mean they simply fear creating a real connection with one person so they try to delude themselves into believing they are young and should have as much fun as possible while the hourglass is still tilted in their favor.
Most people don't even realize they are doing this. The trick is to realize each of us is unique and has something special to offer anyone we have a relationship with. If they fail to realize this while they have you, then they honestly aren't right for you from the get go... With this said, do not deceive yourself into believing it can be something special or more significant if this person fails to recognize you for what you have to offer while they have you.
If the only way for them to realize what they had is to lose you than this is a person who has the potential to never really be satisfied with anything... and is therefore a BBD dater.
A BBD dater is the guy (or girl) always thinking there is a bigger better deal around the corner and so they like to keep their options open or upgrade frequently. This is a person who is toxic and should be avoided. Not only will you constantly feel like you aren't enough, and have potential jealousy issues, but you will also begin to second guess yourself and what you have to offer, which is NEVER good.

Stay true to yourself fellow Does. Know your worth and wait for the soldier who will recognize you for your true worth. Accepting anything less than that and you are simply settling.

Love, Jane Doe

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