Saturday, January 15, 2011

Being Hungry

It is always apparent when people look starved. Their eyes look wild, maybe slightly delirious. They look like they could use a Big Mac (maybe two) and like nothing will quite satisfy their appetite. The same could be said for a serial hungry dater.
Hungry daters are everywhere! They come in all shapes and sizes and are found in both men and women. The problem with hungry daters is they are so desperate for love and affection they are willing to get it anywhere. This is because they lack the confidence to believe they deserve something better. So they often sell themselves short and literally take whatever they can get.
"Insert Girl Here"
When a person is desperate, it shows. It shows in the way they look at their targets and the way they flirt with their targets. Rather than pouncing with claws extended on any guy or girl it is better to have standards for what you want, goals, and work towards finding what is a good fit for you. This means actually taking the time to get to know a person and giving them the opportunity to get to really know you too (strengths and weaknesses). This means opening up, exposing yourself for who you really are... and yes, that can be scary to try and really let someone, and not just anyone in.
Hungry daters often do not intend to look desperate or to settle, but in doing so often adopt the term "easy" or sadly even the term "slut". Fellow Does, do not sell yourself short by accepting just any attention. It is important to know your worth, what you deserve and hold out for the good soldier who is wanting to get to know you in your entirety. Do not date down in order to make yourself feel better, you will only find that you stay stagnant in your own goals because you don't have someone motivating and pushing you to achieve more. In conclusion, a person who doesn't motivate you will ultimately hold you down from your own goals and dreams. So dream big in every sense of the word and find who brings you true happiness.

Stay strong, soldiers!

-Jane Doe over and out.

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