Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Weighty Situation

I have been swamped with massive amounts of e-mails lately and one specifically stuck out to me. A reader wrote in that she made the mistake of making a comment about having a "fat ass" in front of a guy she's been dating and as a result he figured it was okay to say his own comments about her having a fat ass too.
My God, what is this world coming to soldiers?! Any man with half a brain should know that it is never okay to say anything about a woman's weight you are dating or even interested in dating. It will get you nowhere. You got that? NOWHERE. Any chance of her putting out won't happen if she is worried you will be thinking about what her body looks like during the act of sex.
We all come in different shapes & sizes
As individuals living in this LALA Land we call "home," We all can feel insecure. No matter how fat, thin, ugly, or pretty you are. You can always make a person feel more self-conscious than they do already. And why add to that when there is already enough pressure on women specifically. Unlike men, women love to rip each other apart rather than support each other.
Comments like: "Oh my god what is she wearing?" and "Oh no, that dress does not look good on you." Are comments that only serve to make one girl feel better about herself and another feel worse. But realistically speaking, it does not make you look better, or even feel better. Instead, it only makes it worse. Especially when said girl says well if I am hating on her, how many others are hating on me? I give a girl major props when she wears something crazy... even if I myself would never wear it. If she has the balls/ovaries to wear it and feel good about herself more power to her! As women, we should all be more supportive of each other as a group. After all, we are all women looking for something out there and like it or not... we are all stuck co-existing so we might as well try to get along.
Even men can be insecure... no matter how gorgeous he is. Ever notice that guy? The one who can't put his arms down completely on his sides because his muscles are so big?
Yeah, that guy...

Well, all you have to do is say one comment about him having a small or even a crooked penis and its enough to send him into a fit of depression and insecurity.
Yes, they have feelings too.
But going back to our main topic, living in the superficial world of Los Angeles it is important that we realize confidence is what makes a person sexy. This is why I give the girl who rocks the crazy outfits major kudos in the first place. It takes guts. And having the confidence to put yourself out there is half the battle, soldiers!
So don't let the guys (or girls) you date see your insecurities. Project yourself in the way you want to be seen and carry yourself as if you walk into the room wearing Batman's cape! This way, the spotlight is on you. I guarantee if you do this, people will naturally gravitate to you and won't care about how big, small, bubbly, or flat your ass is.

Jane Doe over and out.

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