Friday, September 17, 2010

Don't Hold Your Breath

Did your mama ever teach you that wise old saying, "never put all your eggs in one basket"? This is one of those sayings that not only applied fifty years ago but still applies today... especially when looked at with the dating world.
Now this is not telling you to go out and be a whore (this applies to men as well). But it does tell you not to depend completely on one person to make you happy pre-relationship. If you are still new to knowing each other it is important to see what else is out there. Otherwise, how will you know you really like the person unless you have something else to compare them to?
Speed Dating
This is why things like "speed dating" actually are pretty good because they not only allow you to judge your "suitors" by first impressions (which are usually right), but to also observe and see what else is available. The other brilliant thing about this concept is that you really don't have to spend too much time with the person (if you get the weirdo vibe) and so there is less pressure to keep going like many people have to with that first awkward date experience.
Don't be sleazy, but see what's out there.
As the saying goes, there are plenty of fish in the sea, so make sure you caught a good one and test the other fish if you and your partner are not yet committed. You owe them nothing until they actually tell you they want to see you and only you. Make them work for your affections. You are more desirable when others want you too. Make them work for your love and affection. Until they ask you where this is going, live it up, have fun, be safe and most importantly put yourself in situations where you will grow from your experiences. As I have said before, this is what life is all about.
Never wear your heart on your sleeve fellow Does, you keep yourself vulnerable that way. So show your date just how much others want you and soon they will crave your undivided attention. Until then, test those waters!


Jane Doe.

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